Awaken To Your Body
Home-Study Course
Are you ready to reclaim your power, embody your authentic sexuality and finally allow yourself to experience the full potential your body has for pleasure?
We are often cut off from our authentic sexual expression and therefore our pleasure and our power.
Our bodies are capable of much more than we are currently aware of.
MUCH MORE. And it’s actually EASY for us to touch deep states of pleasure and even ecstasy. We simply have not had access to the tools because there is so much shame around this in our culture.
I created this course to be an easy way for you to reconnect with your body and through your body discover more pleasure, personal power and self-love.
Is it right for me?
You are in the right place if one or more of these is true:
You have been living with a feeling that ‘there is more’ when it comes to your experience in sex and relationships.
It no longer feels okay to stay numb and not enjoy your body…
You are ready to embrace your sensuality & sexual pleasure.
Your relationships and intimate life don’t reflect all the ‘work’ you have done on yourself
You are ready to reclaim your body and rediscover your power.
You want to experience more pleasure through consciously awakening the body.
You know that your intimate life could be richer, but you want to explore in a conscious & integrated way. Rather than turning to porn or bigger, better sex toys.
You have pain during intercourse
You experience limitations around orgasm
Maybe you have never had an orgasm and you simply don’t know the gateways to your own pleasure.
You long to experience deeper lovemaking
You are ready to be met in a new way and want to do relationship differently.
You don’t want to repeat the same patterns you have experienced in previous relationships.
Be Gentle with yourself…
This may not be right for you if:
It’s important to understand that working in this way isn’t right for everyone.
I have worked hard to make this course as gentle and loving as possible, however when we are working with opening the body and exploring our sexuality, it is normal for triggers to come up. In order to enjoy this course, it’s important to have a stable foundation, to be able to hold yourself even as uncomfortable things come to the surface, and to know when to reach out for support.
This is nothing to be afraid of and it is often part of the growth process. Having said that, this course is not appropriate for those who:
Have had a psychotic break or manic episode within the last year.
Have had a psychotic break more than 1 year ago and are not currently working with a therapist.
Are currently struggling with panic attacks.
Are currently suicidal or have been within the last year.
Every woman has a unique story of how we experience pleasure and where we long for something more when we feel fragmented.
I feel so lucky to have come in contact with practices that have helped to heal me and expand my experience of pleasure.
What we are exploring in this home study is not limited to what type of orgasm you can or cannot have and how to ‘solve’ that. This work transformed my experience of lovemaking by allowing my body to become more sensitive and giving me the tools to stay incredibly present to pleasure and sensation. The best part is that I don’t for a moment believe that I have discovered everything. I continue to expand and I can’t wait to discover even more of what is possible in my own body.
The sensitivity that was required for me to experience this awakening through pleasure was opened to me through the very same practices that I will share with you in this home study course.
“I experienced the most beautiful, loving, wild sex I have had in my 32 years of doing it.”
“I have been meditating for over 28 years.
I started the seven week course but I was frustrated because I did not have a partner to practice with and was feeling sorry for myself, yet I was committed to the process and found I progressed rapidly probably because of my years of meditation. There was a lot of healing, pain, tears, ecstasy, new energy which was ramping rapidly.
During the course, I met a man and I ended up being with him. What I experienced with him was the most beautiful, loving, wild sex I have had in my 32 years of doing it.
The heights we reached on our first coming together is special and I do believe I had to do the work and he appeared to meet me.” ~Leslee
7 Weeks to Greater Sensitivity, Feeling Fully Alive in Your Body & Discovering Your Authentic Sexuality as Part Of your Awakening
A Home-Study Program Delivered to Your Inbox
to practice in The Comfort & Privacy of Your Home – At your own pace.
Discover the tools to clear blocks in the body and awaken a flow of orgasmic energy.
I have seen these tools save couple’s relationships, free women from pain or numbness during intercourse, shift body-image issues, and literally awaken the beauty in every woman I have shared them with.
Break through deep-rooted, habitual patterns.
And do it in a way that will integrate shifts and changes into your life immediately
Uncover an inner wisdom.
Through this program, you’ll learn how to tap into this wisdom and how to live with more ease, work with your body in a loving way and have a deeper experience of lovemaking by ‘tuning in’ to it.
Experience fulfillment, confidence, aliveness, and love deep within yourself.
Truly, the very best part of unlocking your potential for pleasure.
Oh yeah, there’s also the great lovemaking and expansive orgasms.
Whether you have never experienced orgasm before or you consider yourself to be especially sexually savvy, what is possible within your body is rarely understood or experienced.
The Format…
Join me for this 7 week journey to Awaken To Your Body.
In each weekly video, I will guide you through a lecture and a Tantric practice with this self-paced home-study course:
Week 1: Creating a Sacred Space.
This is an essential building block for the rest of the work that we do. Our space outside is a reflection of the space inside.
Re-discover the lost art of tuning into your environment.
Create a space that honors the lost parts of yourself essential for your sensuality and authenticity to be expressed.
Uncover hidden patterns that have been holding you back and begin to allow a new tenderness towards yourself to come through.
Come into a place of deep honor and reverence for yourself, making it safe to step into this uncharted territory of pleasure and awakening over these 7 weeks.
Week 2: Opening Space in the Body for Pleasure
Often if we don’t experience ourselves as orgasmic, it is because we are not fully aware or sensitive to the orgasmic sensations that are opening in our body – we railroad over pleasure in order to get to what we have come to define as orgasm.
Expand your sensitivity and capacity to be sensual.
Simply clear blocks in the body to make space for ‘more of you’ to show up.
Learn the first step on the pathway to full-body orgasm.
Week 3: Become your own best lover…
How often have we put pressure or found fault with our partners because they were not satisfying us? How often have we looked to our partners to fill us up with love, the love that we are lacking within?
We often make the mistake of believing that the right partner is all we need in order to feel happy and fulfilled. This week, our practice gives us tools to free us from that story and the keys to deep sexual satisfaction and awakening we crave.
Discover yourself as your own greatest lover.
Release what has been holding you back from receiving what you most desire in lovemaking.
Week 4: Arousing Sexual Energy
Begin to unlock what your body is truly capable of when it comes to pleasure…
Connect with a store of authentic personal power that is accessed through your sexuality.
Heighten your capacity for sexual pleasure.
Sensitize to experience many more layers of vaginal orgasm.
If you are in partnership, become more sensitive and alive to your partner.
Week 5: Igniting the Energy of Arousal
This week we are continuing on with this journey of generating energy and pleasure in the pelvis.
Release habitual tension held in the genitals.
Build and relish in energy and pleasure through the pelvis and vagina with another layer of practice essential for ‘stoking the fire’ that we will ultimately invite through the body for full-expression of orgasmic states.
Week 6: Becoming A Vessel for Pleasure
This week we will nourish the body with the vibrancy of your sexual energy for pleasure, healing and empowered awakening.
Explore the entire body as an erogenous zone.
Engage in a powerful practice to bring together what we have learned in weeks 4 & 5 and allow the intensity of pleasure to move through the open vessel of the body.
Re-sensitize to areas we formerly felt numb.
If you are into the flashy terminology ~ this is where we open the door for full-body orgasms.
Week 7: Surrender. Just say ‘yes’
Using the space we have begun to create in the body, we begin to ‘unhook’ from our previous fixation on the what we think orgasm should be, and we start to allow ourselves to rest into the energy of our arousal. We allow it to show us how to deepen, we say yes to it…
Release old limiting ideas of what sex and orgasm ‘should’ be like.
Learn a fierce, intense and empowering practice where we truly open into the essential power of vulnerability and surrender.
Experience getting out of your mind and allow your body to truly teach you the depths of pleasure that is possible.
Juicy Extras:
Bonus #1 : Audio versions of each week in case you prefer to listen rather than watch.
Bonus #2: You Are Not Alone ~ Guidance Along the Way
As you explore the Awaken to Your Body Program, you will also have access to two Q & A sessions. Listen in and learn as others ask the personal questions that are coming up for them throughout this process. I find that deep down many of us experience the same things when we are in a process of awakening. You will likely find some of your questions answered in listening to these.
Bonus #3: Warm-up practices with each week
Each week there is an entirely separate video of warm up practices to awaken your body. These warm-ups can be used with that weeks practice AND they can also be used as simple daily practices to facilitate the consistent opening of your body.
Take the Leap
Yes! It's time. I’m ready to reclaim my power and awaken to more pleasure in my body.
*Course is 100% digital access. Course does NOT include any physical materials (CDs, DVDs, etc).
7 Weeks of Classes each week you will experience a different practice to give you an experience of awakening in your body.
Each week includes; Video Intro, Video Warm-Up, Video Practice, Video Description of Home-Play Assignments. Where necessary, certain weeks also include Video Demo of the practice.
Audios; you will receive audios for each week including intros, warm-ups, practices, etc.
Recordings of 2 group Q & A sessions in addition to the 7 classes.
Handouts where helpful, some weeks include handouts as well.
I have worked very hard to create a course that truly feels like I am right there with you helping you create a new relationship with your body. Previously, the only way to have this kind of hand-holding and support from me would be to work with me privately!
I understand that not everyone can make that kind of investment ~ so I created this course to give you the VALUE of 1-on-1 work at a price point that is considerably less. :)
Still have questions?
Email us at open@charumorgan.com and ask any questions about the Awaken to Your Body course. We’ll help you get clear so you know if it’s the right fit for you.